Friday, August 26, 2005

Albert Ellis

See the Village Voiceinterview.

Patricia S. introduced me to the works of Albert Ellis in 1981. Rational Emotive Therapy. Treats depression. You can read the interview to see if you'd like it.

I didn't go for it much, but Patricia sure liked it and seemed to know it through and through, indicating a lot of therapy sessions somewhere along the line. I veered off into Buddhism at the time, which some folks think bears a resemblance to the basic Ellis take on things.

Patricia was in therapy because her father raped her. She never quite got around to saying exactly that, but we were talking about the movie "Chinatown" and she let me in on her secret that way.

She showed me how to hike all the way up to the top of a 14-thousand foot mountain and then get back down again: Mt. Massive west of Leadville. My first time up and down a Fourteener: I would never have done it without her persistenly telling me it's not that tough.


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